Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 4:6

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mamma Told me There'd be Days Like This

It was another weekend of successes and failures.  This past weekend I thought I was doing well with food choices after attending a birthday party( I didn't eat any cookies or birthday cake!) and a girl's night out, but when I logged my calories consumed vs. calories burned, I had only a 300-400 deficit.  My goal is a 1000 deficit a day in order to lose 2 lbs a week.  The good news is, there was still a deficit, right?  A friend told me she heard some where that a 300 + or - deficit does not effect your weight, so even though I still have just over a 300 calorie deficit each day, I do not feel successful, but Friday is still 4 days away.  Sadly, I have absolutely no energy, motivation, or desire to exercise today.  I feel exhausted.  I stayed up really late Saturday night and my little alarm clock for a daughter doesn't allow any sleeping in.  I went to bed early Sunday night, but still feel so tired today....not to mention grumpy.  I am in just a miserable mood.

I guess what I really learned from this weekend is how much I really ate before I started logging my calories.  If I had attended this birthday party before feeling called to have some self discipline, I would have ate several of those yummy Oreo's, plus the birthday cake, plus several cups of soda.  My girls night out would have consisted of hot fudge on a huge dish of ice cream with a smoothy to wash it down.  In hindsight I am very proud of the choices I made this weekend.  I guess I was successful in that I had self discipline and didn't over indulge. 

Heavenly Father, please continue to give me wisdom and strength when it comes to what I crave.  Help me not to dwell on minor setbacks but begin anew each hour and minute of every day.


  1. You are doing great, girlfriend! I saw you make those good choices. It's more than numbers on a scale. And remember, if you have too much of a calorie deficit, your body panics about starvation and you don't lose, you just feel like crap. Hang in there! You're doing it!

  2. Any step forward is not one back. Great job keep up the great work.
