Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 4:6

Friday, January 10, 2014

Back and Bigger then Ever (and not in a good way)

So it had been almost two years since my last post.  A lot has happened since then.  What happened you might ask?  Well.....this happened:

 Which resulted in this:

Yup, twins! 

Back in the spring of 2012 when I was having all the weight loss success, my husband and I decided to try for another child.  "Trying" to have children for us has never been easy.  "Trying" to have another child means pursuing fertility help.    I though I was ready spiritually and emotionally for it, but turned out my weaknesses got the best of me and all my hard work was lost.  Food became my refuge again.  But God blessed us with twins that were born in April of 2013.  The last nine months have been all about survival, and I have been using sweets and all other kinds of food as my comfort.  But enough is enough.  I have reached my highest weight ever and can no longer use the babies as an excuse.  I am tired of my clothes not fitting, of feeling sluggish, and not wanting to look at my reflection in the mirror.  Tonight I have my first personal trainer session.  Its going to be tough, I am already dreading the pain that will follow from not working out in so long, but I really need to do this.   As my girls are starting to become mobile I want and NEED the energy to keep up! 

If you would like to encourage me I would be most grateful.  Please pray for me as I turn from my current idol of food and back to God.