Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 4:6

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday Weigh In!

Really it's another Saturday weigh in.  The good news is, down another pound!  To be honest, I didn't think it was going to be a good week.  We were off on vacation this week and I wasn't able to log my calories for part of the time due to no internet access, and then I just didn't want to waste my time trying to figure out serving size, calories per serving stuff.  I did try to have self control over this past week, but that is hard when vacationing.  Probably what saved me was a day of spring skiing at Killington.

My body bug wasn't working right that day, which really bums me out, but I probably burned close to 4000 calories.  There was a lot of snow but when the temps climbed into the 60's it was VERY heavy to ski through.  My muscles were aching!   One trail we skied was at least 3.5 miles long!  The view was one of the many great things that made it all worth while. 


That and the good company I was skiing with!!!

After our skiing day we headed up to Burlington to visit one of sister in-laws.  She took good care of me by cooking low cal, low fat recipes while I was there.  YUM!  (We won't mention how she took me to Lake Champlain Chocolates too!) 

Total weight loss since January 7, 2012 - 15.5 lbs!!!!


  1. You are doing grrrrreat! Continue to make good choices! And the 70-degree weather is helping, too. :)

  2. Sara! I haven't been keeping up with reading any blogs recently...so sorry! What wonderful news to hear that you have been seeing success!!! So proud of your commitment to keep going even when you feel that you've "failed" in some way. I have been thinking of you often and have been praying even without keeping up with your blog posts!!!

  3. OK - no more LCC when you visit. At least we walked back and forth to the park! Glad things went well with the weigh in after vacation and look forward to this week's success. Love you!
