Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 4:6

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Weigh In!

Down 1.5 lbs this week!  yahoo!!  Last week was discouraging but it also made me change some things, like smaller portion sizes at meal times, tracking my calories better, and making sure I get some exercise in.  It is getting harder to drop the pounds.  The first few weeks seemed to go pretty easy as long as I had a calorie deficit, now it is requiring a little more work as far as getting the exercise in too.

So talking with my brother this week, I was happy to learn he is reading my blog!  Shout out to my baby Brother!  Can't wait to see you in a couple of days!

Anyways, my brother and I were talking about my comments in last Friday's blog about feeling exhausted and he suggested that maybe I am eating too little calories for the exercise I was doing.  I have been thinking about that a lot this week, and while I think I am okay on the calorie consumption, I am thinking that the cause of my fatigue may be due to the type of food I am eating.  I haven't changed my diet too much other then eating less.  The author of Made To Crave cut out all sugar. No sweets, very little carbs.  While that may have worked for her, that is not for me.  Since I am finding success without having to cut the good stuff, I am going to stick with that, but I still am not eating enough veggies.  This week I actually kicked it up a notch and had MANY veggies.   (and a piece of cheesecake and two cupcakes, minus the frosting).

I have also changed my exercise this week.  I was doing the EA Active 2, which requires a lot of running in place and A LOT of jumping.  My knees were not handling it well.  This week I climbed on my bike which is on a trainer in our guest room and peddled away while watching videos.  The weather has been so nice and spring like, I have actually thought about getting out there and running again.  YES, RUNNING!  I never thought I would want to go running!!  Not sure how my knees will handle it, they did fine before the half marathon last October, but seems like since then they get sore pretty easy.

Monday I am skiing for the first time in years, and listen to this....you might think I am hitting a small slope like Swain or Oak Mountain for my first time out in years, but no, I am headed to VT to ski at KILLINGTON! Go big or go home friends......thank goodness I lost some weight, I can fit into my ski pants! Hopefully my knees will hold out and I can enjoy the day!

Off to pack!

Total weight loss since January 7, 2012 : 14.5 lbs!!!

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